Wednesday, December 24, 2008

Day after tonsilectomy commentary

Whoever said it was a good idea to get your tonsils out at 29?

I would like to hunt down that person, dress them up in antlers and a furry outfit and shoot them. Okay, that may have been slightly dramatic. Yesterday, the anesthesia basically had me on cloud nine, and I could actually produce words with my speaking voice, and I remember thinking to myself, "This won't be so bad."

I thought wrong.

Nobody tells you right before surgery that the second day is supposedly one of the worst in the healing process.

I am carrying around a pad of paper and pen to communicate, as if I was the father with the chalkboard from the movie Legends of the Fall after he has his stroke and keeps reciting a slurred, "Screw 'em!" I've tried to create my own sign language, but I'm truly the only one who seems to understand it! ;-)

I have been sick for 2+ months though with strep throat turned to a viral infection, so I know this is what's best for me. This morning, before my new dose of pain meds, it was a tad difficult to see the light at the end of the tunnel, b/c it makes me want to swallow to realize how many hours that is from now...and then I wanted to make noise from that pain caused by the swallowing, but that in turn, would have caused more pain! And I'm gonna be honest with you hear folks....I just really haven't got time for the pain. Carly Simon told me that once, and I agreed with her.

What a baby I sound like!! Either way, as Kanye West likes to say, "What doesn't kill me will make me stronger." It's not like someone else didn't come up with that before though, Kanye. Also, God is with me, and TRUTH BE TOLD, I trust God more than Kanye West. I think God is trying to teach me right now that I actually have 2 ears and one mouth. This is just more strengthening of my character, which is good....but sometimes I've got character coming out of my you-know-where and feel as though I've had enough character development for a while ;-)

Did I mention that I'm on pain killers right now?

I think it's pretty ridiculous that the first pictures I will post will be of me pre and post surgery....I promise I'm photogenic, but that will NOT be evident from these photos. We got to the hospital at 5:45am.

My folks came in from "God's Waiting Room"...aka Florida....for Christmas and to help out for this. They are in the pics, and so is my good friend, Todd Stanley. Todd does work for some ambulatory centers in town and came in early to hang with me, which I thought was very sweet. He's the one who actually took the pics of my tonsils.

Well, I've written your eyes, if you actually took time to read this, pat yourself on the back.

I don't know if I still have bought into this blog business, but right now, it's the best way I am able to, maybe Betsy Clements will get me hooked after all!! ;-)
Merry Christmas to you all!!
Thanks for your time,


Murray said...

congratulations jordan! you survived the tonsilectomy... i applaud you for your bravery and wish i could be there to hear you not talk. :) but no worries, you'll be back to blabbering in no time!

and p.s... i like the blogging...

Shannon Muller said...

Only you would have pictures of your removed tonsils displayed for the world to see. Seriously?!?! SERIOUSLY?!!? Glad you made it lady!

Melissa said...

Dearest Jordan,

I'm so glad you have survived this traumatic experience. I had no idea that tonsils were that large. I love you. Melissa.